Archives of My stuff

Pegleg pete step by step

Yep, most of my sketches are yet published in forums but I decided to collect them in onme place, just for my convenience. So theese are the Pegleg quick sketches, winner entry in the cghub Disney Redesign Challenge.
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New challenge started

Exploration sketches and concept for a new adventure at cghub. An epic story created for the forumite and developed with the weekly challenges.
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making The Crash

Thumbnail sketches and progress for (before) The Crash Preliminary sketch: Color pass   Final (click to zoom) Take a look to the challenge at for some other great entries and enjoy the winner pic by Marco Mazzoni.
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The chimp on digipack

Whoa, the ape finally printed. Bitten by an ape album is in my hand and it’s quite good! Available on iTunes too but, well no digipack and without chimp’s back so do the right thing.  
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